Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome to the 2ww

Wow, there was a lot of word vomit spewed forth in yesterday's post. Sorry about that. I haven't seen that anxious and paranoid part of myself in a while, but I think I have almost successfully hidden her away. What's done is done and there is nothing I can do about it but be as positive as I can be.

I am now embarking on the 2ww. I've always kinda loved the 2 ww because it is the closest I can feel to being pregnant. Analyzing every symptom, picturing the little beanie that is snuggling into my womb, visualizing the moment when I find that (+) sign. Delusional, I know but I'll take what I can get. However, this wait will be a little different from others because my hubby and I are going to Hawaii next week! I'm sure there will be enough there to occupy my crazy mind, and my hubby and I are both eager to step into paradise for a week. This trip was a bit of a last minute decision and we timed it such that it would fall during this waiting period. So sort of a planned spontaneity. And it didn't hurt that we got an amazing deal on it. I've been so focused on this treatment cycle that I haven't really given myself the chance to digest the prospect of this trip. But now with nothing else to do (besides obsess about hyperstimming in a foreign place and not knowing where to go) I will refocus my energy on planning and packing.

Is it crazy that I just googled the nearest fertility clinic in Hawaii? I don't know... just in case? :)


  1. yeah for vacation and it's in hawaii..even better. Hey I have 1 week to go in the 2ww so I feel ya!

  2. What a great idea! I love that you are going away during your 2ww. I really need to consider that during one of my 2ww, a little distraction would totally help.

  3. Loving the idea of a 2ww vacation too! I enjoy reading your blog and have given you award on my blog for that reason. You can visit my blog to check it out!

  4. i do all that visualising too!Don't think you're all delusional, I have a couple of books that suggest you do exactly that, apparently we are supposed to visualise our bodies working and ourselves being fertile - hope it works!
