Wednesday, July 8, 2009

BFN, Let's Try Again

So I went in for a pregnancy test on Sunday. I knew it was going to be negative because: 1) I did not ovulate and 2..... well, 'did not ovulate' is all the confirmation needed, I guess. But even though I knew it was going to be negative, the nurse's voice on my answering machine actually telling me it was NE-GA-TIVE (yes, she pronounced it that slowly and clearly, like 3 little punches in the gut) was still disheartening. So now I am taking Provera to bring my period on so that we can get this show on the road. Today is my 3rd day of Provera-popping and I need to take it daily until Sunday. From there, I have to wait another 3-7 days for my period to start. Ugh. I hate all this waiting. Especially now that I am on summer holidays and have all the time in the world to live at the fertility clinic.

But as I wait for that period, I am continuing my acupuncture sessions and three times a day herbs. I don't know if the acupuncture is helping me fertility-wise (I have a gut feeling it is helping a little bit) but I am feeling better than I have in a long time. I feel content and happy and energized. And thus, much more equipped to deal with everything. Yes, it is burning a hole in my cheque book, but for now I feel that it is worth it. Needless to say, my acupuncturist didn't seem too pleased when I told her that I started taking Provera. Here she is trying to regulate my cycle using a natural and holistic approach and there I go running to the nearest pharmacy for Western medicine's quick fix. But I think she was okay with it once I told her that I did not ovulate and will likely not get my period on my own.

Well anyway, that's my story right now.

Patiently twiddling my thumbs and serving as a peaceful pincushion until AF arrives.

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